From the Dictionary
Shakespeare’s “To be or not to be” is the ultimate question.
The wedding was last week.
The book is on the table.
Shakespeare’s “To be or not to be” is the ultimate question.
The wedding was last week.
The book is on the table.
Shakespeare’s “To be or not to be” is the ultimate question.
The wedding was last week.
2. to occupy a place or position: so make it count YOLO* The book is on the table.
“To be or not to be.” We all know the famous work of Shakespeare. I spent my childhood fantasizing about living. Because I witnessed my family, friends, and everyone I knew just exist. Working to pay bills and living without purpose. We all know what existing is, and most of us are just existing right now.
I became obsessed with the idea of living instead of existing. After college, I eliminated the existing option and made the decision to live. I had to know what life was like on the other side of the or. I set out and made it my mission because we only live once, and I was determined to make it count. I made the decision to embody the spirit of choosing to live consciously every second of every minute. I added the exclamation mark to emphasize the excitement of the adventure.
BE!ng is about relinquishing control because we have nothing to lose, prove, defend, or hide. We are perfect and healing at the same time. Self-love, self-care, and autonomy are part of our daily responsibilities. Living presents stress, but we can manage distress to make our lives fulfilling, beautiful, and memorable.
I have been on the lifelong journey of well-BE!ng for 7 years now, and I want to use this blog as a platform to BE! out loud. I want to build a community that shares well-BE!ng solutions for healing while living. This is a safe space to BE! together and set a new example of well-BEIng.